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Today, September 26

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    [11] https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:cf10b556-d853-4ab0-bf88-0563aca1fc7f
    [11] https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:cf10b556-d853-4ab0-bf88-0563aca1fc7f
    [12] https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/afscme57/contracts/829/00002b76-12.pdf
    [12] https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/afscme57/contracts/829/00002b76-12.pdf
    [13] https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/afscme57/contracts/829/CITY+OF+SAN+CARLOS+CURRENT+MOU+THRU+JUNE+2018.pdf
    [13] https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:0e9c963a-14a9-4721-becc-3f0bb3d84ca5
    [14] https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:ca8144d4-dc98-4fce-826f-665cdf88cd2d
    [14] https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:ca8144d4-dc98-4fce-826f-665cdf88cd2d
    [15] https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:327a43be-1a97-44bd-9fa3-c22a16d6613b
    [15] https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:327a43be-1a97-44bd-9fa3-c22a16d6613b
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    Donating leave time is a compassionate way to support coworkers who face unexpected challenges, such as medical emergencies or family crises. By sharing your accrued leave, you provide them with the security of time away from work without the stress of financial strain. This act of kindness fosters a supportive workplace culture, where employees look out for one another, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to prioritize their health and well-being in difficult times. Your contribution can make a significant difference in someone's life, allowing them to focus on recovery and resilience.

    Leave Donations are being accepted for Josie Garcia in Human Services and Jose Escarcega from Planning and Development. Contact your HR Department if you are unsure how to donate. 

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    Mack Conan
    Mack Conan
    Samuel (S.C.) Lewis
    Samuel (S.C.) Lewis
    Kathryn Mercier
    Martin (Marty) Rowland
    Martin (Marty) Rowland
    Malak Tenisa
    Malak Tenisa
    Marshall Weimer
    Annie Weinmayr
    Peter (Jan P.) Witke
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  • Aaron_Gallant_headshot

    The safety of correctional officers and inmates at Iowa State Penitentiary has come under scrutiny after a recent violent assault on two staff members. These assaults are symptomatic of an ongoing crisis in Iowa’s prison system, which many argue is being exacerbated by the lack of leadership from Gov. Kim Reynolds.

    On Sept. 23, two correctional officers were attacked by an inmate during a routine procedure, leaving one officer with serious injuries. These assaults are not isolated but represent a growing trend of violence in the state’s correctional facilities.

    “These two assaults are just the latest examples of how unsafe conditions in our prisons have become in this state,” said Todd Copley, president of AFSCME Council 61. “Our correctional officers across the state of Iowa are being asked to work under dangerous, understaffed, and under-resourced conditions, and we’re not seeing the leadership we need from the governor’s office to address these issues.”

    Council 61 and state employees have long called for immediate action, citing a lack of proper staffing, inadequate safety protocols and insufficient resources as key factors contributing to the rising violence in state prisons. These pleas, they argue, have been met with silence or insufficient responses from state leadership.

    “Gov. Reynolds has failed to provide a plan or take meaningful action to ensure the safety of both the staff and inmates in our correctional facilities,” Copley said. “The governor's inaction is putting lives at risk every single day, and we cannot afford to wait any longer for a solution. Boasting about having saved the state $4 billion shouldn’t come at the cost of its employees’ safety.”

    Council 61 is demanding urgent measures, including the hiring of more correctional staff, getting updated safety equipment and implementing comprehensive training programs to address the escalating violence.

    They also want a thorough investigation into the conditions at every state-run prison and community-based correction facility to prevent future assaults.

    “These brave men and women put their lives on the line every day to keep our prisons and communities secure, but they’re not being given the resources they deserve,” said Copley. “It’s time for Gov. Reynolds to step up and fix this dangerous situation before more lives are put at risk.”

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    SEIU, Oregon AFSCME, and the Oregon Nurses Association Endorse OHSU’s Acquisition of Legacy Health, Highlight Commitments to Worker Protections, Patient Care, and Workforce Development
    SEIU, Oregon AFSCME, and ONA Endorse OHSU’s Acquisition of Legacy Health
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    Portland, OR – September 26, 2024 – A coalition of unions that represents workers at OHSU and Legacy Health are proud to announce their strong support for OHSU’s acquisition of Legacy health. The coalition, made up of representatives from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Oregon American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), the Oregon Nurses Association (ONA), and AFT Locals have been advocating for key worker protections and enhanced patient care as this process unfolds. As a result, this historic acquisition is set to create significant advancements for workers, patient care, and workplace conditions, reflecting OHSU’s commitment to job security, culture change, and a robust dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

    OHSU's Comprehensive Commitments 
    OHSU’s has agreed to several key commitments that our coalition has been advocating for, including:
    1. Enhanced Job Security: OHSU has committed to providing greater job security for healthcare workers, ensuring stable employment and fostering a secure work environment. 
    2. Culture Change and Inclusivity: The merger will drive a cultural transformation at OHSU, emphasizing diversity, equity, and inclusion. This commitment is designed to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for both employees and patients. 
    3. Recognition of Union Contracts: OHSU has made assurances that existing union contracts will be fully honored, demonstrating respect for current agreements and establishing a foundation for positive labor relations. 
    4. Expansion of Training and Career Development: The acquisition will facilitate expanded training, education, and career development opportunities, preparing the workforce for future challenges and enhancing overall service delivery. 
    5. Commitment to Pay Equity: OHSU is dedicated to addressing pay equity issues, aiming to make the institution an exemplary employer in terms of fair compensation and job security. 

    A Unified Vision for Progress 
    Our unions commend OHSU for hearing the voices of their employees and working closely with labor representatives to shape these commitments, ensuring they reflect the needs and aspirations of healthcare workers. We are confident that this acquisition will lead to substantial improvements in patient care and create a workplace where every employee is valued and supported.  

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    Portland, OR – September 26, 2024 – A coalition of unions that represents workers at OHSU and Legacy Health are proud to announce their strong support for OHSU’s acquisition of Legacy health. The coalition, made up of representatives from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Oregon American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), the Oregon Nurses Association (ONA), and AFT Locals have been advocating for key worker protections and enhanced patient care as this process unfolds. As a result, this historic acquisition is set to create significant advancements for workers, patient care, and workplace conditions, reflecting OHSU’s commitment to job security, culture change, and a robust dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

    OHSU's Comprehensive Commitments 
    OHSU’s has agreed to several key commitments that our coalition has been advocating for, including:
    1. Enhanced Job Security: OHSU has committed to providing greater job security for healthcare workers, ensuring stable employment and fostering a secure work environment. 
    2. Culture Change and Inclusivity: The merger will drive a cultural transformation at OHSU, emphasizing diversity, equity, and inclusion. This commitment is designed to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for both employees and patients. 
    3. Recognition of Union Contracts: OHSU has made assurances that existing union contracts will be fully honored, demonstrating respect for current agreements and establishing a foundation for positive labor relations. 
    4. Expansion of Training and Career Development: The acquisition will facilitate expanded training, education, and career development opportunities, preparing the workforce for future challenges and enhancing overall service delivery. 
    5. Commitment to Pay Equity: OHSU is dedicated to addressing pay equity issues, aiming to make the institution an exemplary employer in terms of fair compensation and job security. 

    A Unified Vision for Progress 
    Our unions commend OHSU for hearing the voices of their employees and working closely with labor representatives to shape these commitments, ensuring they reflect the needs and aspirations of healthcare workers. We are confident that this acquisition will lead to substantial improvements in patient care and create a workplace where every employee is valued and supported.  

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    Portland, OR – September 26, 2024 – A coalition of unions that represents workers at OHSU and Legacy Health are proud to announce their strong support for OHSU’s acquisition of Legacy health. The coalition, made up of representatives from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Oregon American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), the Oregon Nurses Association (ONA), and AFT Locals have been advocating for key worker protections and enhanced patient care as this process unfolds. As a result, this historic acquisition is set to create significant advancements for workers, patient care, and workplace conditions, reflecting OHSU’s commitment to job security, culture change, and a robust dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

    OHSU's Comprehensive Commitments 
    OHSU’s has agreed to several key commitments that our coalition has been advocating for, including:
    1. Enhanced Job Security: OHSU has committed to providing greater job security for healthcare workers, ensuring stable employment and fostering a secure work environment. 
    2. Culture Change and Inclusivity: The merger will drive a cultural transformation at OHSU, emphasizing diversity, equity, and inclusion. This commitment is designed to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for both employees and patients. 
    3. Recognition of Union Contracts: OHSU has made assurances that existing union contracts will be fully honored, demonstrating respect for current agreements and establishing a foundation for positive labor relations. 
    4. Expansion of Training and Career Development: The acquisition will facilitate expanded training, education, and career development opportunities, preparing the workforce for future challenges and enhancing overall service delivery. 
    5. Commitment to Pay Equity: OHSU is dedicated to addressing pay equity issues, aiming to make the institution an exemplary employer in terms of fair compensation and job security. 

    A Unified Vision for Progress 
    Our unions commend OHSU for hearing the voices of their employees and working closely with labor representatives to shape these commitments, ensuring they reflect the needs and aspirations of healthcare workers. We are confident that this acquisition will lead to substantial improvements in patient care and create a workplace where every employee is valued and supported.  

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    Portland, OR – September 26, 2024 – A coalition of unions that represents workers at OHSU and Legacy Health are proud to announce their strong support for OHSU’s acquisition of Legacy health. The coalition, made up of representatives from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Oregon American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), the Oregon Nurses Association (ONA), and AFT Locals have been advocating for key worker protections and enhanced patient care as this process unfolds. As a result, this historic acquisition is set to create significant advancements for workers, patient care, and workplace conditions, reflecting OHSU’s commitment to job security, culture change, and a robust dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

    OHSU's Comprehensive Commitments 
    OHSU’s has agreed to several key commitments that our coalition has been advocating for, including:
    1. Enhanced Job Security: OHSU has committed to providing greater job security for healthcare workers, ensuring stable employment and fostering a secure work environment. 
    2. Culture Change and Inclusivity: The merger will drive a cultural transformation at OHSU, emphasizing diversity, equity, and inclusion. This commitment is designed to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for both employees and patients. 
    3. Recognition of Union Contracts: OHSU has made assurances that existing union contracts will be fully honored, demonstrating respect for current agreements and establishing a foundation for positive labor relations. 
    4. Expansion of Training and Career Development: The acquisition will facilitate expanded training, education, and career development opportunities, preparing the workforce for future challenges and enhancing overall service delivery. 
    5. Commitment to Pay Equity: OHSU is dedicated to addressing pay equity issues, aiming to make the institution an exemplary employer in terms of fair compensation and job security. 

    A Unified Vision for Progress 
    Our unions commend OHSU for hearing the voices of their employees and working closely with labor representatives to shape these commitments, ensuring they reflect the needs and aspirations of healthcare workers. We are confident that this acquisition will lead to substantial improvements in patient care and create a workplace where every employee is valued and supported.  

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    Portland, OR – September 26, 2024 – A coalition of unions that represents workers at OHSU and Legacy Health are proud to announce their strong support for OHSU’s acquisition of Legacy health. The coalition, made up of representatives from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Oregon American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), the Oregon Nurses Association (ONA), and AFT Locals have been advocating for key worker protections and enhanced patient care as this process unfolds. As a result, this historic acquisition is set to create significant advancements for workers, patient care, and workplace conditions, reflecting OHSU’s commitment to job security, culture change, and a robust dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

    OHSU's Comprehensive Commitments 
    OHSU’s has agreed to several key commitments that our coalition has been advocating for, including:
    1. Enhanced Job Security: OHSU has committed to providing greater job security for healthcare workers, ensuring stable employment and fostering a secure work environment. 
    2. Culture Change and Inclusivity: The merger will drive a cultural transformation at OHSU, emphasizing diversity, equity, and inclusion. This commitment is designed to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for both employees and patients. 
    3. Recognition of Union Contracts: OHSU has made assurances that existing union contracts will be fully honored, demonstrating respect for current agreements and establishing a foundation for positive labor relations. 
    4. Expansion of Training and Career Development: The acquisition will facilitate expanded training, education, and career development opportunities, preparing the workforce for future challenges and enhancing overall service delivery. 
    5. Commitment to Pay Equity: OHSU is dedicated to addressing pay equity issues, aiming to make the institution an exemplary employer in terms of fair compensation and job security. 

    A Unified Vision for Progress 
    Our unions commend OHSU for hearing the voices of their employees and working closely with labor representatives to shape these commitments, ensuring they reflect the needs and aspirations of healthcare workers. We are confident that this acquisition will lead to substantial improvements in patient care and create a workplace where every employee is valued and supported.  

    Looking Forward...

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